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Self-Care Guide for Mother

For mothers, the moments of joy and love can be overshadowed by bouts of fatigue, frustration, worry and even fear. Here’s a shout out to all mothers on this journey: you are not alone.

Following are Five Self-Care tips for your physical and mental wellbeing.

1. Time-off for yourself

“I need to be there for my children.” “My family needs me.”

The days are further stretched if you are juggling both work and family. The instinct to put your family’s needs above yours is inevitable, but it is equally important to put your needs within the equation of your responsibilities. Overcome the feelings of “mum guilt” because you are more than just a mother – having that time-off is important for you to rest and anchor yourself.

Find ways to rest your body and engage your mind differently. Be it a leisurely stroll, a quick Pilates session to stretch your body or catching up with your friends, taking time off to do something for yourself helps you rejuvenate and gain the energy to do things for your children and family.

2. Worry less, plan more

Worries are part and parcel of every mother’s experience. A survey in 2013 conducted across 5 Asian countries by Ipsos has shown that mothers tend to worry more about their children’s future than fathers (1), and the type of worries tend to differ between both parents. In the midst of worrying over your children’s health, education and generally about their future, the uncertainties and turn of events can be a source of anxiety.

Instead of worrying about the future, take active steps to plan ahead and execute an action plan to reduce uncertainties. An area that may be impacted from future uncertainties is your family’s finances, and part of that can be addressed with insurance.

3. Stay positive

Beyond the joy of seeing your children’s happiness, motherhood presents many challenges at different junctures.

Be kind to yourself.

It is easy to feel carried away by that nagging critical inner voice, but one helpful way is to start paying attention to your negative thoughts. Catch those moments when you feel guilty, anxious, angry etc, and gently coax yourself to acknowledge the cause of these feelings but let go of these emotions that came along with it. Keeping a positive mindset requires tenacity, but it puts your mind in perspective to overcome the challenges of motherhood.

4. Health is wealth

Another key aspect of self-care is your physical health. While you are highly attuned to the well-being of your children, take note of your own cries for care and nourishment. Keep your meals healthy and set aside some time for a workout / exercise regime that you love. Consistently replenishing with your body with the nutrients and workout it needs would help you feel energized and motivated throughout the days.

5. Find your support, but chart your own journey

Being a mother takes up a lot of your time and energy, leaving you with lesser time for yourself. When you spend most of your days being a mother, the tendency to feel trapped and lost in your challenges and worries is palpable. This journey is not yours alone, and it is important to communicate with your spouses and loved ones on your challan.

Reach out and speak to other mothers. Having a strong support system of fellow mothers to discuss your hopes and fears can put your thoughts into perspective. It always feels good to know that you are not alone, and hearing other mothers overcome their challenges can be an important step to reducing your anxieties and fears.

Reference: Self-Care Guide for Mothers (

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