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Giving back to the community

Across Asia, we work with local communities to improve people’s livelihoods and wellbeing. Whether through direct funding, fundraising, donations or volunteering, we partner with charities whose missions are aligned with ours.

Our key areas of focus are to equip people with the tools and resources they need to safeguard their future and to support under-served and marginalised communities.

We take pride in our community outreach as it gives our employees an opportunity to make a real difference. Here are a few examples of how our teams are making positive contributions to their local communities:

  • Blood Donation Drives – Everyone can make a difference, but together we make change. Each year, Manulife employees across Asia give blood. In October 2019, Manulife Vietnam celebrated the 20th anniversary of its ‘Give Blood – Save Life’ campaign, organised with the Red Cross Society. Elsewhere, we have proudly supported the Hong Kong Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service for nearly four decades, bringing the total number of Manulife donors to a record high of tens of thousands.
  • Advocating Healthy and Active Lifestyle – As an active advocate and practitioner of healthy living, in 2017, Manulife-Sinochem Life Insurance Co., Ltd. (MSL) became the first insurance provider to partner with NBA China. As part of this multiyear partnership, MSL has worked with NBA Cares to donate and refurbish three basketball courts to schools across China, create on-court donation ceremonies and provide professional NBA coaches to run basketball clinics for students
  • Providing for Children – To make a difference in the lives of underprivileged children, Manulife Cambodia signed a five-year contract in 2015 to become the principal sponsor of the Angkor Wat International Half Marathon, organised by the National Olympic Committee of Cambodia. So far, Manulife employees from across the world have taken part in the race and helped raise over $300,000 USD for the Angkor Hospital for Children in Siem Reap. The hospital sees about 500 patients daily in general paediatrics, specialist and intensive care. It is one of only three paediatric teaching hospitals in Cambodia and is paving the way for the future generation of Cambodia’s healthcare providers. Fundraising efforts are specifically to provide healthcare to underprivileged children in Cambodia at no cost to their families.
  • Community engagement in Vietnam – Nearly 1,000 Manulife Vietnam employees participated in various CSR activities during the company’s Team Building Day 2019 in Da Nang. The team came together for a beach clean up and gave meaningful gifts to underprivileged children in Hope Village, in Da Nang.
  • Humanitarian Aid and Activities – In 1998, Manulife founded the Manulife Care Foundation (YMP) to carry out humanitarian activities as well as being the driving force for Manulife Indonesia's Corporate Social Responsibility activities. In 2018, the foundation raised funds and helped areas near Banten, Lombok and Central Sulawesi that were hit by earthquakes and tsunamis. We supplied medicine, baby supplies and ready-to-eat food provisions in Banten. We also donated sports clothes and school supplies to Lombok elementary schools, and several of our employees provided shelter houses for fellow staff, agents and their families during the Central Sulawesi disaster

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